Once again, I was surprised by the snow level difference compared to the lower elevation areas on Delmoe Lake Rd...
A few things I must mention:
-Someone had a fire under 'Hairy Palms', a problem on/next to the hidden boulder/caught in the act...the fire scarred the bottom of the problem...there are no other user groups to blame...a scrappy V2 or not, it's very sad to see the rock disrespected in such a way...there is no excuse.
-There is a mattress that needs to get cleaned up over by the Popes...I thought this was cleaned up, but discovered it discarded 10 yards or so to the east, rotting under some boulders...gross. I swear that there was a pic of some kids with the mattress floating around on the web, and thought they said it would be cleaned up...anyone know what I'm talking about? Shit is weak...
Also, the tickmarks out there are ridiculous...if you can't read the rock, and must use rookie stripes, at least brush them when you're done...
Please consider your actions.
So if anyone heads out there soon...if you haul out the mattress, I'll hook you and your buddies up with some beers and a couple guidebooks...I would have done it myself, but didn't have the truck with me...

Pat working the low/thin crux on the COD...he was super close, but within a 1/2 hour of arriving, the route went from 'kinda wet' to 'soaked'...

Checking out 'The Thing'...pretty damn cool Jeff!
Weather-wise, things are back on the upswing...and I'm psyched to head back out to the Batholith...maybe I'll see you out there...
I saw that fire pit when we were there, looks like total shit.
Yeah, that pit needs to be cleaned up too(properly)...I'll be getting after it next time I'm out there...but that might be awhile...
FYI: Climbers are not the only user group at Whiskey. Hunters frequent the area as well in the fall. Didn't see who made the fire, but we assumed (hoped?) it was hunters.
Also, thanks for mentioning the mattress. I thought it was long gone. I'm in the same boat as you, next time I take my truck out there it will be gone...
While I don't doubt you Erik, I just have never seen any other users over the ridge...admittedly I haven't been there much in the last couple years though...either way, it's a shame...
Hope things are well down south!
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