Midweek I was able to get out for an afternoon session with Odenbeck, Whitmore, and Conrad. It was great to get out and fun to show Conrad some of the lesser known areas...some of the local gems may actually work their way into the design for the next Bozeman Boulder. A super fun day for sure, hopefully I can start to get out more during the week...


Knobbage Slabbage

New one

Down Climb


'Don't Rip me Off'
Saturday, Kalah and I loaded up the trailer and headed out to meet Dom and many others to celebrate his birthday. A great weekend for it too, great weather, BBQ, keg of beer and lots of great folks! We ended up exploring a new stretch of woods southeast of the Lower Isolated Boulders for the majority of the day...
New ones

Back at the trailer we met up with Emily, P.Wolfe, and Ari and headed upto the Upper Isolated for an evening session. For more pics check out Emily's blog.
Hopefully this is a sign of things to come...looking forward to moving higher in the hills...