Some great conditions this Summer brought the crew out to some old and new goodies.
Tom and company made it out to the NoBos for a nice 25 problem circuit a couple weeks ago.
Kate cruising Blue Cadet 3 |
Ari enjoying some Pez |
First time on an offwidth invert and Kate flashes Physical Fatness |
Tom flipping though Barbarella |
Gordo Direct |
weeks ago Tom led us into the Single Barrels. I was pretty excited to get out to this now seldom visited zone. We did a couple repeats and also found a couple new ones.
Sara on a really really crimpy FA out in the Single Barrels |
Kevin getting the 2nd ascent of The Obstructionist |
This past weekend we got out to one of the new spots to clean up and send some of the waiting gems. It turned out to be a very nice day with some excellent editions to this superior zone.
Sending a new one Ari got the FA. Ari got a name for this one? |
Five Points of the Pentangle FA |
Kevin sending Air and Asterisms |
Sara working out the match on Air and Asterisms |
Ahh yes the 11 Star Boulder |
Pre-send on what would become Pegasus |
Don't forget about the Bash everyone should be a great time!