Monday, April 11, 2011

Gotta Love the Trailers

On April 2nd the Trailers had probably the biggest crowd to date somewhere around 15 people. A lot of new stuff by Dagmar's Hot Pants went down (pardon the pun), including the sit start to Dagmar's and a fantastic lunge problem called Blood Feather. In the main area Pat Wolfe sent the razor sharp right side start to the Aristocrat. The Trailers are getting to be quite rad!

Last week was very wet here in Bozeman. I kept my fingers crossed for the weekend and was not disappointed- the Batholith came through once again- gotta love that rain shadow.

The initial plan was to go with Tom on Sunday but he has been sick/rejuvenating for the past week(s) so it ended up being a solo mission. I found myself at the Trailers once again to check out some of the newer blocks Tom had discovered on the West side of the ATV trail- notably a beautiful overhang. At first I lacked any motivation but somehow ended up putting up five new problems in the area and gave the overhang project a good cleaning and a couple really good goes. When I first saw the overhang I thought it lacked enough holds to climb- but it is all there- it is going to be a classic!

Later on I found myself wondering North of Dagmar's for some new blocks- no surprise I found a couple really nice ones, this block I call the Cyclops and it is pretty freaking cool.

The Cyclops (the Crack/Face is called Polyphemus)

The Cyclops (the Horizontal Crack is called Galatea- its a project)

I am not sure how many problems are in the Trailers, currently I estimate 50-60 maybe more. The area is certainly growing quickly we shall see in the next couple weeks what else will be revealed.


TKingsbury said...

Nice Patrick!

I actually scoped Cyclops and some others further down that draw last weekend...that's the stuff Clay and crew played on last weekend, not the Cyclops, but stuff further east down the draw...

Anonymous said...

Cyclops needed a ton of cleaning- very veggie. Both problems are very good though. 4-5 more blocks to the West as well.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun place! I'm wondering why the cracks been named without a send though...

TKingsbury said...

It's not uncommon for projects to have 'working' names...

With the amount of rock(and projects) out here, being able to refer to a project by a name helps clarify things.
