This Spring has been spectacular in the Batholith. With many new problems going up and more and more boulders being discovered it is hard to dismiss that a sort of Golden Age has begun. Tom and I (mostly Tom), have started compiling a database of problems, at last count it contained over 800 and we are nowhere near complete. Tom's estimation of 1,200 problems in the Batholith is certainly a legitimate estimation.
As mentioned in a previous post by Tom- a couple of us were able to escape from work on a Weds a few weeks ago for a midday session with Conrad. Conrad was interested in seeing some of what the Batholith stone looked like for some of the local fabricated boulders. Tome led us on a gem tour, starting with the Isos. This was my first tim in the Isos and I was blown away with the quality of rock. The Upper Isolateds reminded me so much of the Camp 4 boulders at one point I could swear I saw the sacred lightning bolt scrawled on the rock above me. Of course when I would turn around and see the snow covered Highlands and Tobacco Roots and not the dusty campground decor and tourons- relief and confusion would overtake me. Needless to say Conrad was impressed. It was a pretty awesome day all around with a couple new one's going up as well.
This Sunday I found myself out in the Trailers once again working some of the harder projects and picking off some low hanging fruit. The day reminded me of how things used to be out in the Batholith- quiet- awkwardly quiet- like Blair Witch project in Junipers. I am not sure why but this strange silence has always motivated me.

After completely trashing my fingers- count them four split tips- I heard talking in the distance. These had to be ATVers. Who else could be out here? Was there a wreck? Then I saw someone walk briskly through the trees about 50 feet from me. Was she lost? How she did not see or hear me I still have no clue. This was unexpected. I had to know what was up. Turns out a group was warming up at the Snooter and 7 Gram. I knew no one, nor did I recognize any of them.
The Golden Age is on my friends. History teaches us when you find gold or even if you think you have found gold others will follow. I have also heard that climbers and surfers can be some of the most territorial beings on the planet. Just ask Bodhi and Johnny- (watching the video is mandatory).
But I am not worried about feuds going on, there are more than enough problems and boulders out in the Batholith to go around that is for certain. What I do fear that this all is lost in the Juniper maze before it is recorded.
Remember this...
There are few things where complete solitude and community can be intertwined into one experience- bouldering- maybe the perfect blend.
There are few things where complete solitude and community can be intertwined into one experience- bouldering- maybe the perfect blend.
Nice Patrick!
Cool other folks are getting out to the trailers too.
800 problems and counting...about 18 of 40 or so areas entered so brain is buzzing!
Yeah it was great to see people out there enjoying the problems and sun. The Trailers are turning into a great zone.
I have a couple areas as well that I need to add- hopefully tonight.
Don't be surprised if that list of y'alls grows by a coupla hunny after the East of the Divide gang kicks in...
...the 'Zoo Crew too has to be good for a few.
Wouldn't be surprised at all Hutch, tons left to add to the database.
I am thinking we will be actually closer to 2000 by the end.
not surprising people are getting out...considering Tom usually has a rowdy send crew and just published guidebooks and a new article. Wish i could be there to revel in the golden age!
A little late finding this post, but... Having been partner to most of the new route development at the North Rim in Mill Creek over in the Bitterroot, I can relate to how it feels the first time you discover climbers you don't know at "your" area. At that point, the boulders/routes/rock leave their infancy and venture into the community on their own where they're no longer entirely under your care. This can produce a combination of excitement and trepidation. But mostly there is the reward of seeing others enjoy the climbs you've experienced intimately, and knowing they will develop their own relationships with the rock, and take away their own awesome days.
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