Bad sawing technique leads to bad scarring:-(

Even in a place not known for having any decent boulders, there are decent boulders in the batholith.

Cool end tables anyone?

Tom and Bryan's find--one of the best looking steep faces found in a long time...waiting for some pullers.
that sure looks like a nice steep face guys, hows the landing?
DAMN! that bloc looks amazing...i want in...
Landing has 5+' of flat ground, in between a 4' dia. round 1+' tall peb and a 8' dia. 3' tall one--easily pad-able and safe.
about 5 minutes beyond that arete is another nice cluster with another really good looking boulder...another arete, but has a really smooth texture
Epic! How tall is that? Looks amazing!
it's prolly ~15 feet or so...not overly tall...hopefully I can get on it tomorrow...
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