made hard; hardened.
insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others.
having a callus; indurated, as parts of the skin exposed to friction.
The last week saw me out in the Batholith a cumulative five times. Once to the Isos and four times to the Trailer Boulders. The Isos are pretty much in season, with just a bit of snow to posthole through in the deep trees. Fruh and I worked out the majority of the beta for a classic vertical testpiece in the Upper Isos and plan on finishing it off this upcoming weekend. The Trailer Boulders have seen significant development this year and are shaping up to being one the best areas in the entire batholith. All of the following photos are from the Trailers.
Z crushing the sit-start to Coming Down

Crimp nasty project on the 7 Gram Rock

Fruh on Airstream Vhard


Still Cruxing

Patrick working out the beta next to Airstream

Rehab on the backside of Popup Rock

I dig the B&W shots Andrew, good stuff!
Psyched on how the trailers are filling out...
Dude, tall blank looking boulder with features...love it. Black and whites look awesome on that grit. Cheers!
The black and white looks awesome.
Callous Building is right- my right index finger looks like red pulpy grapefruit after this weekend.
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