Tom and I had discussed visiting this spot for a long time. It seemed very promising. So with some time on my hands and under partly cloudy skies I went with out solo this Saturday with some reasonable expectations and was not disappointed at all. The Batholith just keeps on giving just like the Jelly of the month club!
After making the terrible approach of roughly 100 yds. I came across a couple cool hallways loaded with potential and really bomber rock sorry no pics of those. After a bit I decided I should shoot some photos.
Corners |
Then I worked my way toward where I thought the better blocks would be... it was nice to be right.
Um yeah!!! |
Projecting |
Large big block in the trees |
Tall seam lines anyone? |
Wide, layback or bear hug? |
Nice tall crack with some more options |
All still unexplored |
All in all it was a great day. I was able to send about 10 different problems. There were so many climbable blocks and it is super concentrated. This area is pretty massive it is gonna take awhile to figure out how big it actually is... I am really psyched on the potential.
Looks good--reminds of another place that I need to get back to round those parts :-)
Yeah looks fantastic!!!
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