We eventually arrived in the Isolated Boulders...the moon lit up the landscape, and Dom's birthday bottle of
Basil Haden lit up our enthusiasm for a night bouldering/exploring mission. The evening was kind to us...we followed a notion I had about a further extension of the Isos, and it proved to be correct. Many moonlight problems were pulled and scoped, and we stumbled back thoroughly excited for the morning.
The next morning we were greeted by Clay. How did I not put it together that the folks camping up the road could be fellow boulderers? Soon we were enjoying an awesome breakfast over at Clay's site, with Scotty, Derrick, and another Tom. We then migrated to the Lower Isolates for a warm up, and so Clay could give the saucer project a go...I think he'd been dwelling on that problem for the week, because he ripped through it the first go for his warm up, I barely sat down to put my shoes on; Nice send Clay!
From there, we played on Japanese Depression and the hand crack to the north of it...

After a bit, the topic of the 'fireman' style spot came into discussion...and explored.

We then headed over towards the new finds from the evening before....

Clay on the FA of Native Express
Another big pebble...

Exploring the possibilities

Another project...

The line to left went though...BTW the overhang in the background is featured, but will be ridiculous...pretty damn cool actually.
We checked out a few more problems in the intimidate area, and then headed back to the camp site for beers and cocktails...Gin-n-tonics after a great bouldering session? These fellas know how to roll!
We barely got into the new stuff that Dom and I had checked out the night before...which makes me very optimistic. Numerous large boulders are out lurking in the Isolated Boulders...and I have a feeling we'll be occupied here for awhile.
Good finds throughout that area. I haven't even looked at the photos I took (not many).
I'm always amazed that I can walk an area a few times, and still new finds are abound. Good weekend up there, even if I didn't get to spend much time with folk.
I have got to get over there. After finals probably. It looks like a lot of fun.
Where are these boulders? they look awesome!
Thanks Joe! These are another zone in the pipestone/homestake region outside of Butte, MT. Lot of potential in this area...come on out for a tour sometime!
sounds great tom!
hopefully it will stop raining soon...
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