I managed to get three solid days of climbing in, wearing my tips into their 'lithness and making sure I could scamper up slab still. I took an amazingly small amount of photos over the course of the weekend, but here is what I could glean out of it.
Saturday started off with coffee and such and a wander into what was to become the "Lower Isolates". The Batholith gives again.
Ron ascending Knobbage Slabbage 5.9

Knobbage Slabbage and Max

After a solid afternoon with the crew I was left to myself and a beauty evening in amongst the stones and trees.
Bouldering, Trailer-Livin', Shit is pretty good. Of course with me being a post-modern, wilderness loving hippy I was at first skeptical of this new retro-trailer resurgence. Once enlightened to the benefits I quickly adapted.
Dreams of living in a trailer all summer long and climbing soon invade my thoughts.....damn.

The north end of the Highlands

Lower Isos on Saturday evening.

By myself for an evening, I quickly light a fire and start bouldering.

I did some volunteer work for the SMCC toiling on some fuels mitigation and landing zone work (yeah, go and put me down for 3 hours). Also, climbed a few tall boys and cleaned-up some starts. Later on Z showed up with a growler of IPA and things were good.
Sunday starts off to perfection. The crew coming out is shaping up just fine. Zana and I take our time in the morning, wander around stumbling upon some SWEET trees and potentially good stone (Isolated West?).
Zana paying the penance for dropped chalk in the Lower Isolates

Working on the opening moves of the Lower Iso's premier traverse. A really good problem that stretches out for 15 to 20 feet (still a projectile).

Damn Wench* on the left and Japanese Depression on the right.

This next one is a proud line. Sick. At plus 20 feet its solid, positive, and slightly over-hanging. Good V4ish start and then some more solid moves. Got into the upper crack and I'll be back.
This is a beautiful example of some of the new ethic in the 'lith. Ten years ago this would of been bolted and just been another ho-hum three bolt climb to hang-dog up. But at this height and with a good landing it presents a classic test to the seasoned high-baller. Now it seems we can push our standards meanwhile opening our minds and touching something unknown.
If it cannot be climbed un-tethered by the current talent then it will be saved for those who can. Word.
Cannot wait to get back out with a good crew and send this thing.
The Highlander Project

*Originally I called it Orange Julius, but upon further research that name has been aptly applied on other problems namely at J-Tree.
Oh Yeah. Check out my new blog at http://nobodycareswhatwedo.blogspot.com/
Nice Andrew, I like the BW shot of the headquarters!
Thanks Tom. Sorry about bumping your post so soon. Good times out there this weekend. Weather is looking a little unsettled and cooler later this week.
No worries, the blog is made to update!
I was gonna call it Cheap Reward. When I get the nuts and skin to get back on it. Friday anyone?
Ron, Molly is off Friday--possibly giving me a "full" day to get after the stone. The weather will be deteriorating a bit by then, but prolly still decent.
nice variety of pics, Andrew!
Weather is deteriorating. Fuck. Whatever.
"Cheap Reward" we'll have to debate it. There are many possibles including: "Thats not Tomato Juice"
Forecast looks good to me...lower 60s and 0-10% chance of precip for saturday...Hopefully heading out friday afternoon
I cannot make it out on Friday for sure. Perhaps Saturday or Sunday, whichever looks best.
The Highlander project is sent.
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